Let's talk about Me
A few months ago I had a desire for telling people who want to get more knowledge about cycling, that they would search and find that in an easy and enjoyable way. My goal is to tell other people about this beautiful sport: cycling. During my training sessions I discovered that my average speed was 30 kilometres per our (18.6mph). I got kind of frustrated, because I thought: ‘How do pro’s manage to reach 40 kilometres per our (24.9mph) or even more?’. And then I thought: I want to achieve that myself and probably others would also be able to reach that top speed.
During my reasearch on cycling I stumbled upon the fact that the ultimate speed performance doesn’t excist out of only the road bike itself, but also things like the way professionals grow during their race career. Even the bikes weight is part of it.
Do you want to stand out on the road just like me?

''The bike will transform anyone who is willing to let it happen''
- Ina-Yoko Teutenberg -
There is a little number of websites where reading and learning about cycling is actually fun. That being the case I just started writing about cycling. I began with one blog, but every week the number and quality of blogs will increase. From raising your speed limits to the specifics of how a road bike is put together.
As you probably already suspect I reasearch, write blogs, and bring you up to date with the Tour de France, the Giro d’Italia and the Vuelta (which starts in my own beautiful Holland). And I will assure you I’m very serious about my reasearch, because I want to give my readers an amazing product so they can enjoy it and gain personal succes out of it.

Olivier Petit
Founder of Cyclintelligence